Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Fail.

I think that's what I'll start calling my weekly Friday entries. Fabulous Friday Failures. Catchy, no?

So, once again, it's almost quittin' time here on the ranch, and I'm scrambling to throw together a blog post. I've been busy at work today (Seriously! I have! Stop laughing!), so I've barely had time to do my work, let alone think of something to blog about.

Milo is doing swell, though he's still cranky and sore and peeing lots of blood. The blood is normal, and the cranky 'tude is to be expected. I'd probably be a grouch too, if someone cut me open and pulled rocks out of my bladder. He's definitely perked up a lot the last couple days, so that's a good sign. I've gotten cuddles and tail wags and some begging for food... So he's almost back to normal.

Oh, and they made him wear the Cone of Shame... Because he wouldn't stop licking his manly area, and it was all red and irritated. The stitches were fine, but everything else (yes, *everything*) looked like it was covered with a giant hickey. So Conehead he is, and giggly is momma. I seriously can't stop laughing at him in the cone. I feel terrible, but it's hilarious. He walks into things, he has trouble getting up and down stairs... And he gives me this pathetic, "Oh God WHY" face when I make him wear it. It makes me giggle, in a sad, "Mommy's Sorry" kind of way.

At least he only has to wear it when I'm not watching him like a hawk.

We're off to visit Skip's family in St. Louis this weekend... Should be a fun weekend. A hot, sweltering, melt-your-face-off weekend... But fun! I'm baking 3 desserts tomorrow morning before we go to a barbecue with his dad... So I need to get up and get my game face on in the morning. Woo.

Other than all that... Nothing is new. Wedding plans are still moving along, we're still broke, and I'm still insane.

4:10! Time to go finish my paperwork and GO HOME! YAY!


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