- Our wedding DJ backed out last week... But it's okay, because mom found a replacement before I even knew this happened. It's a shittastic situation, and I'm feeling kind of bitter. People suck.
- Mom paid for the new DJ... Which makes me feel guilty. I need to pay her back ASAP.
- The list of crap to buy/pay for for the wedding keeps growing... And our paychecks ain't getting any bigger around these parts. PANIC.
- Running is getting easier, but my shins still hurt. But I'm running more than 20 feet, so that's a plus.
- We will probably have to cut back our photography package for the wedding. I'm not happy about this.
- We've received 15 RSVPs in the mail. FIFTEEN. Out of the 93 I sent, that's pretty weak. Not cool.
- I'm going to sit Skip down tonight and tell him to either step-up and do stuff, or quit being a Groomzilla. Seriously. Either get on the same train as me, or quit being a caboose.
- I bought crystal martini glasses from Wal-Mart... Yes, you read that correctly. Seriously, the best $15 I've ever spent. They're awesome, and I love martinis.
- I have 10 billion wedding projects to work on. Seriously, 10 billion.
- I need new clothes. Not only have I lost weight, but some unexplained phenomenon put pinkish splotches on my FAVORITE FREAKING KHAKI WORK PANTS. Ugh. I seriously don't know what it was. I checked all my pockets prior to washing. I'm ticked.
- The heat wave makes me angry. It's cooler in Florida than it is here in Missouri. WHY?!
- I want it to be fall. I want pumpkin candles and pumpkin muffins. And not-hot weather.
I think this is it. Hopefully more completed thoughts will come your way soon... Maybe I'll sip on a few martinis, and make that happen tonight.
...But don't hold your breath.

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