Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Five?

I've seen other bloggers do similar posts... Five For Friday, Friday Five, Friday Fast Five... And other alliterations. I'm thinking I should do something like this, perhaps to encourage me to blog more regularly? No? Since I now have nine (!) followers, I'll let you decide what I should title this series. Also, feel free to contribute other fun Day-of-the-Week things I could post. I seriously need motivation.

(Or whatever)

  1. My phone has been repaired! Halleluja! I'm back to my normal excessive texting/talking/emailing/facebookingatwork. Seriously, that phone is like, lifeline. I often find myself trying to remember the days before my iPhone... And it kind of frightens me. How the hell did I function without Words With Friends? How did I stay updated on peoples' lives without Facebook in my pocket? HOW DID I TEXT WITH OUT A COMPLETE TOUCH-SCREEN KEYBOARD?! Seriously. No. Idea.
  2. After a seriously bad (but delicious) food binge last weekend, my weigh-in for this week only showed a 0.2 gain. HOLY CRAP. Insanity! After eating Five Guys TWICE, BBQ, IHOP, and 54th Street, and the Taco Bell that Skip fed me last night while holding a gun to my head, I am seriously amazed that the scale did not reflect a 58 pound gain. I want to credit the 2.26 miles I walked yesterday with this miracle, but I'm still mad about the phone thing. That walk is not a happy time anymore.
  3. I miss cats. Like, seriously. If I could forget that I ever had dogs, and go back to cats, I would. I got to cuddle 2 ridiculously adooooorable kitty-cats at the Phone Screen Repairman's house... And I was suddenly jones-ing for a feline in our house. But Skip is totally allergic, and he'd probably kick me (and the cat) out faster than you can say hippopotamous. But cats are all cute and fluffy and quiet... I miss cats.
  4. Doctors really shouldn't have bank accounts... Because they seriously don't know what they're doing with their money. If your account was -$110 as of this past Saturday, and you keep paying bills and making transactions out of it... Trying to make a deposit at 5AM today (when I'm not even F&$#!@% here), is not going to keep you from getting charged overdraft fees. You're an idiot. Brain surgeon you may be, but smart person, you are not.
  5. I've just started using Moroccan Oil on my hair... And I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've been in a hair rut as of late, so I'm really trying any and every new product I can get my mitts on. I just feel like my hair is a lifeless ball of yuck. Frizzy, dry-looking, dull, coarse... It's either way poofy or way greasy. It looks like crap in a ponytail, and it looks like crap down. Clips don't stay, barettes are a joke, and bobby pins just don't stay put. I'm itching for a new cut, but told myself I wanted long locks for the wedding... So it has to stay. The Moroccan Oil keeps my hair soft and shiny and (mostly) frizz-free, but I feel like it's borderline greasy. Like, I don't think I could go 2 days without washing my hair. Ew. Please just let me shave my head and start over.
That was probably longer than it was supposed to be. And probably boring. Sorry, followers. I'll do better next week!

NAME MY THING! Fun alliterations get bonus points!


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